August 18

Environment and Nature

On the Paddison Program, we recommend spending regular time out in nature. Exercise for Rheumatoid Arhtritis is crucial, and when done outdoors it will benefit both your physical and mental health. Try to find a beautiful outdoor space with a degree of privacy to spend time in and enjoy.

Vitamin D and the Great Outdoors

One of the more well-known benefits of spending time outside is that you’re able to soak up the sun for a Vitamin D boost. Studies show that there is a strong link between vitamin D and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of auto-immune diseases. [1] So make sure you get enough of this essential vitamin. You can check your levels with a simple blood test, aim for levels to be between medium to high within the recommended range.

It is beneficial to your health to get outdoors into nature. Busy urban environments can have an impact on stress levels.

One study found a strong association between air pollution and rheumatoid arthritis activity [2], another good reason for taking some time away from the city and getting a break to breathe in some fresh air.

If you can’t get out of the city, there are often locations close-by, like parks, where pollution is lower [3]. Many places have organized walking clubs where you can join a group of locals and explore your local surroundings.

Paddison Program and Time Outside

The quiet serenity of taking a break out in a natural environment can help to nurture a feeling of improved wellness. How much of a physical impact it will have is hard to tell, but you can feel the mental benefits almost immediately.

When you’re out in nature, take the opportunity to look right far out into the distance, which will relax your eye muscles. Take a deep breath, allow yourself a small smile, relax the jaw which often holds tension and connect with the nature around you.

Find some time to connect with nature to reset and recharge the batteries. By doing so, you will calm the body, mind and spirit. Check out the Paddison Program to find out more about how to also optimise your diet, medications, supplements, exercise and more.

[1] Wacker M, Holick MF. Sunlight and Vitamin D: A global perspective for health. Dermatoendocrinol. 2013 Jan 1;5(1):51-108. doi: 10.4161/derm.24494. PMID: 24494042; PMCID: PMC3897598.

[2] Alsaber A, Pan J, Al-Herz A, et al. Influence of Ambient Air Pollution on Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity Score Index. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(2):416. Published 2020 Jan 8. doi:10.3390/ijerph17020416

[3] Su JG, Jerrett M, de Nazelle A, Wolch J. Does exposure to air pollution in urban parks have socioeconomic, racial or ethnic gradients? Environ Res. 2011 Apr;111(3):319-28. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2011.01.002. Epub 2011 Feb 3. PMID: 21292252.

Paddison Program


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